Developments, conferences, trade fair presentations and much more: This is where you find out first.

December 04, 2019
2. PLACE IN THE CLUSTER “APPLIED RESEARCH” Hugo-Junkers-Innovation Award 2019
With our new ACS process, we took second place in this year’s Hugo-Junkers Innovation Award. Many thanks to the jury and congratulations to all finalists!

November 26, 2019
3. MOULDING MATERIAL FORUM 2020 Presentation at the TU Munich
Together with the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the University of Magdeburg, we will present our new process to the industry at the 3rd Moulding Materials Forum 2020 of the VDG Academy at the TU Munich.

November 14, 2019
HUGO JUNKERS AWARD 2019 FINALIST in the cluster “Applied Research”
In the “Applied Research” category, the ACS team is a finalist for the 2019 Hugo Junkers Innovation Award and will have the opportunity to present its development to the top-class jury and answer questions.

June 27, 2019
IQ INNOVATION AWARD 2019 2. Place in the cluster “Automotive”
n the final spurt for the first places of the IQ Innovation Award Central Germany, the ACS team took second place in the Cluster “Automotive”. Many thanks and congratulations to all finalists!

June 25 to 29, 2019
The ACS team presented its technology to the public for the first time at GIFA. Many exciting discussions and great feedback made our appearance a complete success.

April 18, 2019
IQ INNOVATIONSPREIS 2019 FINALIST im Cluster “Automotive”
With its development for electrically based curing of lost cores, the ACS team has reached the final of the IQ INNOVATION AWARD 2019.